physics in current



A resistor is an electronic component that restricts the flow of current in an electrical or electronic circuit. It is used to control voltage. It can also be used to protect sensitive components from exploding/blowing. The higher the resistance, the less current there can be. Some look like microchips, and others look like a wire with a small colored cylinder of material around them.
Resistors can be linked in various combinations to help make a circuit:
1) Series - Where the resistors are linked one after another.
2) Parallel - Where the resistors are linked over one another.
There are many different types of resistors. Not only do some have a higher resistance to electricity than others, but resistors also have different ratings to tell electricians how much power they can handle before they break, and how accurately they can slow the flow of electricity. A lot of resistors have colored rings on them to help people knowledgeable about electronics quickly tell what their resistance and accuracy they are rated at.
Resistors can be made out of many materials. Older resistors are made out of solid carbon. These are still being used, but not very often, because they do not hold up well to air moisture, and because they are usually too expensive to make these days. Resistors using carbon as a film, however, are newer and are still being made. Other newer resistors can be made out of wire or metal. Newer resistors can handle air moisture and the heat from all the electricity that has to go through them a lot better than the old ones could.

